When They Tell You You're Not Pretty
I'm not exactly a vain sort of person, nor do I think that I'm the slightest bit pretty. In fcat, when I look at my friends and other girls, I get this sort of realisation that I Am Just Plain Not Pretty. But any women, ANY women, would not want to be told that she's ugly or not pretty. That includes me.
So just imagine, if you've been spending the whole day working, carrying heavy things around, sweating all over and having no chance of spraying a bit of perfume or nice smelling things on yourself, let alone take a bath, just imagine how you would feel when suddenly you're told that you're not pretty? Huh? Huh? Wouldn't it hurt you're pride? Wouldn't it hurt your pride when you've been asked to be present to help with a prize-giving ceremony on stage, and you've readily accepted even though you don't really want to do it, when someone asks "Isn't there a PRETTIER person for the job???"
Fine, I've rephrased it a little. What this person (a guy at that!) actually said was "Do choose PRETTY girls to do it,", but when you're actually standing up when that phrase is being said, then the meaning implied is definitely that you're not pretty enough for the job, right? I mean come on. What else would this 'person' mean?
Okay, okay, I'm not pretty. I know. I know from what I can see myself and I also from how people look at me. But you know what? Whatever you say about people has an impact on them. It does. The things is, I am just too exhausted to comment about this. I want to write more, but I'm all out. What I can say is- Watch What You Say, Men. You May Want Pretty Girls ALL the Time. Fine. Like I Care. I May NOt Be PRETTY, But I KNOW THAT I'M SMARTER THAN SOME PRETTY GIRLS. SO THERE!!!!