Greetings from the Al-Abidaat

Dear all,
This blog is initially a place for the three people who write in it to share our thoughts on life. However, if any of our pieces benefit and interest you, we welcome you to share your thoughts on comments. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kakchik writes it again...

Years passed... I never thought that I seeing myself writing again in this blog..!!! Incredible!!! Both of my sisters are busy... busy... busy... As 4 me, I just started my new sem at UiTM.. Oh, b4 I forgot to mention, my study continues at UiTM.. Kakyong is at her last sem... Kakngah still has a long way to go.. Well, not dat loooooooonnnnggg.... As 4 me, I'm at my 2nd sem.. First sem ended well.. Alhamdullilah... (Dapat gk dekan wlupn ciput... huhu)..


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