Greetings from the Al-Abidaat

Dear all,
This blog is initially a place for the three people who write in it to share our thoughts on life. However, if any of our pieces benefit and interest you, we welcome you to share your thoughts on comments. Thank you.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Suhaib Webb: Hard Hearts

   I came across masyouth's YouTube channel about a few months ago, and was immediately attracted. The channel offers a variety of videos in which Muslim speakers discuss diverse topics such as modesty, racial disunity, communication, building good relationships and even long term vision. I love how diverse the topics are, in that it shows how Islam actually deals with all aspects of life.

   The channel offers several seasons of the ISR series (which stands for In the Shade of Ramadhan). From what I understand, they will put up videos throughout the month of Ramadhan for people to watch. Sometimes the topics directly have to do with Ramadhan, and sometimes they don't. The speakers are all very interesting, and I particularly like Sister Muslema Purmul.

   For this post, I have chosen to share a video from Season 4, in which Imam Suhaib Webb talks about 'Hard Hearts'. You can visit his official site and read his biography as well as follow his Twitter account.

   In this video entry, Imam Suhaib Webb talks of several things that we do which can pollute and harden the heart. These are, among others:

     1. Rushing

     2. Coveting

     3. Anger

     4. Following blindly

     5. Ignoring what Allah has obligated upon us

   Watch the video to find out more. Take some time... spend some time to remember Allah, and with His will, He will remember you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kakyong shares:

Let's be productive =)

source: ProductiveMuslim Cartoon

Don't forget to look up . There are articles, videos, interviews and other resources that you will find most useful. I did! =)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

There's No Place Like Home!

   There was a reason the above phrase was invented. The truth is, there is most definitely NO place that can ever come close to giving you that warm feeling that you have when you're at home.

   Home. The word probably means different things to different people. In my case, home is wherever my parents are, and that is currently in sweet old Klate. Alhamdulillah, I've been home for about four days now, but this stay is nearing its end and I must soon (in three days time, to be exact) leave for Malacca once again. It won't be easy to leave, especially when I think of all the work that I have to face as soon as I get there, but I try to comfort myself by thinking that there's only 4 weeks left for teaching practice. Soon, it'll be over and I'll come back- and be bored to death with nothing to do, I guess. Haha. Humans can never be truly satisfied for a long time.

   I've been really lazy these few days. As for blogging, heavens know how lazy I've been at that! If I ever do get the time to blog in between work, I do it at my other blog, putting what little scraps of experience that I get from my teaching practice into a patchwork essay.

  Oh, I finally purchased my own card reader! This means that I can now transfer what pictures I can capture from my phone, but I'm afraid they won't really be of good quality. I've been hankering after a good camera ever since who knows, but $$$$$$$$$ is a big problem.

   Which reminds me that I have a translation job to finish! Doing translation work is the only source of income (apart from my scholarship, which I have received for the last time in January and is already gone!) that I have, and it doesn't come often. I wish I could work during break after teaching practice is over, and save enough to pay for driving lessons, but I don't know. I just pray that Allah will show me a way to achieving all these little dreams of mine.

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